It is with great excitement that I welcome you all to the home page of the Faculty of Technology of the prestigious University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. The Faculty is endowed with human and other resources, which is making our University to consistently be among the topmost Universities in Nigeria and the world at large for sound engineering and technology education. The Faculty programmes are geared towards producing graduates with sound technical and management skills that will make them an excellent agent of innovative change toward improved quality of life in all areas of endeavours (manufacturing, information and telecommunication, construction and infrastructural development, clean and sustainable energy, health care, environment, Food technology, agriculture etc.). The Faculty is committed to encouraging our students to strive for excellence in everything they do—excellence in every assignment, large or small.
For all our programmes in the Faculty, the Programme Outcomes (POs) are well mapped in Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs). The foregoing are structured towards achieving the Faculty Vision and Mission Statements:
- To be a Faculty Renowned for Academic Excellence Geared Towards Meeting Societal Needs
- To Produce Graduates Who Contribute to the Transformation of Society Through Creativity and Innovation
Presently, the Faculty has ten (10) Departments with different undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The Departments are:
- Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
- Automotive Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Food Technology
- Industrial and Production Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Wood Products Engineering
In addition, the Faculty has a Technical Support Unit (TSU) saddled with acquisition, repair, modification and/or production of teaching aids/workshop facilities for some faculty courses.
Generally, our environment is exciting and provides opportunities for innovative mindset and problems solving capacity thus giving our graduates the required expertise of competing globally. Therefore, you are encouraged to regularly visit our homepage in order to avail yourself with current information and maximise opportunities in the Faculty.
On behalf of the Faculty, I warmly welcome you all to our homepage and looking forward to seeing you for result-oriented academic engagement and research activities. Wishing you a more fruitful academic session.
Professor A. I. Bamgboye
Dean, Faculty of Technology
Faculty Tips
The Faculty of Technology, University of Ibadan, has the following as its primary functions:
- The education and training of individuals to have the technical competency for the design, development, testing, and production of devices and products for the use of mankind;
- Training of individuals to have interest in, and capacity for the application of engineering principles to the solution of the problems of our society; and
- Establishing in her students a foundation for continuing learning that is required for maintaining competency to solve new problems as they arise. Accordingly, emphasis is placed on the application of the engineering methods and on the training intended to develop habits of industry, thoroughness, orderliness, and accuracy. Throughout the programme duration, the students are given ample opportunities to exercise initiative, judgement, and creative ability.
Resident education up to the Bachelor's degree level is provided through nine departments. All programmes are of ten-semester duration. Each provides basic elements of general engineering education as well as the discipline of professional training, which provide the rudimentary development of technical skills, an introduction to the engineering methods of solving problems in practice, an understanding of values and costs, and a sense of the art of engineering as distinguished from its sciences, and indoctrination in professional standards and relations.
All programmes incorporate a social-humanistic stem that gives the student a knowledge of social and human relationships and duties of citizenship as well as an appreciation of cultural interests outside the engineering field. The stem includes compulsory courses in General Studies and electives to be chosen from economics, law and social/behavioural sciences. Each of the nine academic departments offers undergraduate programmes (and in some cases post-graduate programmes up to doctoral level) leading to the award of the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree of the University of Ibadan.
Apart from the academic departments, the faculty also has control of a reasonably well-equipped library and a Technical Support Unit. Teaching and Research laboratories are also attached to each academic department.