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Course Code

Course Title



TAE 211

Introduction to Agricultural and Environmental Engineering

Define and explain what Agricultural Engineering is and its primary objectives in the agricultural sector.

Make informed decisions regarding sustainable farming and environmental conservation.

Explain how Agricultural Engineering affects society, including aspects like food production, rural development, and the socio-economic implications of modern agricultural practices.

Able to identify and describe the inter-relationship between Agricultural Engineering and other engineering fields such as mechanical, electrical, and environmental engineering, demonstrating an understanding of how these fields collaborate in agriculture.

Able to explore and recognize various job opportunities in Agricultural Engineering, including roles in research and development, farm machinery design, environmental consulting, and more. 


TAE 212

Principles of Farm Mechanization   

Identify key milestones and innovations in the evolution of farm machinery, demonstrating a historical perspective on agricultural technology

Explain the advantages and limitations of each power source (human, animal, and mechanical) and their applications in farming

Describe various machines used for crop production, processing, and livestock production, along with their functions, maintenance, and safety protocols

Give insights into the challenges and opportunities of farm mechanization in developing environments, including factors like resource constraints, sustainability, and the socio-economic impact of mechanization

Apply their knowledge of machinery, power sources, and the challenges of mechanization in real-world agricultural settings, fostering practical skills and problem-solving abilities.


TAE 310

Introduction to Farm Buildings & Structures

Describe the functions and classify various farm structures and buildings, including their purposes in agricultural operations.

List the materials used in the construction of farm structures, as well as the techniques and considerations involved in building these structures.

Plan a farmstead effectively, considering the layout and placement of structures for optimal functionality.

Differentiate and explain the purposes of specific structures such as silos, cribs, livestock buildings, farm dwellings, workshops, and buildings for crop production and crop processing.

Discuss the impact of environmental and physiological factors on the design and use of farm structures, including considerations for climate, ventilation, and animal well-being.


TAE 311

Soil & Water Conservation Engineering I

Discuss the historical development and progression of soil erosion as a major    environmental issue.

Enumerate at least five (5) negative effects of soil erosion on the environment and agricultural productivity.

Discuss at least three (3) anthropogenic activities that contribute to soil erosion.

List at least five (5) techniques for soil conservation, such as binomic methods, rotations, cover crops, mulching, mechanical methods, contouring, strip-cropping, and ridging.

Evaluate four (4) effectiveness of different soil conservation techniques based on local conditions and requirements.


TAE 312

Agricultural Processing Engineering I 

Describe at least four (4) unit operations involved in processing of various agricultural materials and some of the properties of agricultural materials which are relevant in the design of various processing machines. 

Explain three (3) major methods of classifying agricultural materials 

Describe milling and size reduction processes and explain the principles of operation of machines such as hammer mill, burr mill and roller crusher for size reduction.

Describe the drying process and explain thin layer and deep bed drying theories as they apply to agricultural materials.

Explain six (6) different processes involved in extracting oil from oil-bearing seeds, juice from fruits etc. and illustrate energy and mass balances as they relate to agricultural processing.


TAE 313

Farm Power & Maintenance I

List at least four (4) different types of implement attachments including trailed, semi-mounted, and mounted implements.

Enumerate at least three (3) the importance of determining soil forces acting on an implement to optimize performance and prevent damage.

Discuss tractor hydraulic systems and stating at least (3) roles role in implementing operations.

List at least three (3) importance of steerability in tractor-implement combinations.

List at least six (6) safety precautions required for tractor-implement operations.


TAE 314

Advanced Computer Programming for Agricultural Engineers

Demonstrate proficiency in programming languages like C++, MatLab, Python, including the ability to write, debug, and optimize code for engineering systems.

Apply practical skills in using Computer Aided Design (CAD) applications such as AutoCAD and 3D Studio for creating and analyzing engineering designs, including drafting and 3D modeling.

Develop individual programs and program solutions tailored to agricultural engineering systems and designs, showcasing problem-solving and coding abilities.

Demonstrate a deep understanding of machine components and machine design principles, including the ability to analyze and design mechanical systems.

Conduct flow studies for agricultural systems, assess fluid dynamics, and design structural elements for engineering systems, emphasizing practical engineering skills.


TAE 315

Soil Mechanics for Agric. Engineering

Discuss the principles of soil compaction and soil stabilization using Modified Proctor (ASSHTO) West African Standard Compaction Tests.

List at least six (6) different types of compaction equipment and their applications and three (3) forms of soil stabilization and their advantages and limitations.

State the Darcy’s law and permeability, and at least three (3) different applications in assessing the flow of water in soils.

Carry-out field determination and solve at least five (5) questions on hydraulic conductivity (K) for confined and unconfined aquifers, and seepage flow nets.

Solve at least Ten (10) questions on moduli of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, Boussinesq's theory, and Westergaard's theory for evaluating soil deformation and stress distribution.


TAE 411

Hydrology for Agricultural and Environmental Engineers

Discuss at least Seven (7) key components of the hydrologic cycle, water movement and storage in order to effectively manage water resources in a basin.

Develop and implement at least three (3) effective irrigation and drainage systems for agricultural projects.

Develop and implement soil moisture budgeting techniques for irrigation planning.

Explain catchment response, including three (3) different methods used for flow measurement and hydrographic analysis.

Predict flood events using at least three (3) different methods.


TAE 412

Engineering Properties of Plant & Animal Materials

Describe six (6) engineering properties of biological materials and their importance to scientists and engineers.

Discuss four (4) differences between plant and animal cells and how the differences affect their responses during various processing and handling operations.

Explain at least three (3) levels of water occurrence in biological materials, and the importance of sorption in relation to stored products of biological origin.

Describe at least four (4) properties of biomaterials, their methods of determination and their areas of applications to engineers and scientists. 

Describe the relationship between viscosity and flow of fluids of biological origin and three (3) relevant rheological models as they relate to plant and animal materials.


TAE 413

Farm Power & Maintenance II       

Discuss tractor development and the history of internal combustion engines.

Explain the principles of operation of systems in the internal combustion engines.

Describe the construction and mention at least five (5) maintenance of internal combustion engines.

Explain the hydraulic hitch systems and at least three (3) applications each.

List at least five (5) tractor design considerations and the factors that influence design decisions.


TAE 414

Design of Agricultural Structures

Design structural members of different materials including wood, steel, plain and reinforced concrete, and local materials for poultry birds.

Develop three (3) different nailed and bolted connections of timbers for construction and their use in farm structures.

Enumerate at least four (4) different ventilation systems, for regulating temperature and humidity in different farm structures such as poultry houses, dairy cattle housing, hog housing, farm bunkers, silos, fences, etc.

Carry out economic feasibility of at least four (4) designs of farm structures and optimize the cost-benefit ratio.

Enumerate at least four (4) local regulation and standards guiding the construction of farm structures and farm animals’ welfare.


TAE 415

Hydraulics for Agric. Engineers 

Discuss the fundamental concepts of fluid flow, including Bernoulli's equation, five (5) types of fluid flow, and open channel flows.

Perform at least three pipe flow analysis and pipe flow prediction, including friction losses and pipe networks using methods such as the Hardy Gross method.

Carryout at least two (2) dimensional analysis methods to hydraulic simulations, ensuring accuracy and relevance in engineering projects.

List at least three (3) pumps, their types, applications, selection, characteristics, and performance efficiency.

Apply hydraulic concepts to irrigation and drainage engineering projects.


TAE 510

Introduction to Agricultural Waste Management

Identify and describe the properties of various types of farm waste, including their composition, volume, and potential environmental impact.

State different sources of agricultural waste, such as crop residues, animal manure, and agrochemical containers, and understand how these sources contribute to agricultural waste generation.

Discuss the relationship between agriculture and environmental pollution, including how agricultural practices can lead to soil, water, and air pollution.

Explain the legal aspects and regulations related to the disposal of agricultural waste, ensuring compliance with environmental laws and guidelines.

Describe and evaluate both general and specific methods for treating agricultural wastes, including technologies like anaerobic digesters, composting, and canning waste reduction.


TAE 511

Agricultural Machinery I

Discuss the history of mechanization in agriculture, including its development and evolution over time.

State the principles of construction and design of machines and implements used in primary and secondary tillage, land leveling, and earth moving.

Analyze two (2) different forces acting on the plough and how it affects tillage operations.

List at least five (5) various equipment and machinery used in major farm operations and their applicability to Nigeria.

Describe at least five (5) impact of mechanization on agricultural productivity and its role in agricultural development in Nigeria.


TAE 512

Soil & Water Conservation Engineering II 

Explain the soil-water-plant relationship and its significance in agricultural and forestry engineering projects.

State the principles of soil conservation and mention at least five (5) methods of controlling soil and wind erosion.

Discuss at least three (3) flood problems, drainage in urban and rural areas, and propose solutions.

Mention at least five (5) techniques for reducing soil and water losses in agriculture and forestry engineering projects.

Discuss road designs, including alignment and drainage, CBR testing, road construction materials, and soil stabilization techniques.


TAE 513

Agricultural Processing Engineering II 

Describe at least four (4) different types of size-reduction mills used in food processing and their applications.

Explain the basic principles of drying, and various types of driers available, including emerging technologies such as flash, rotary, and freeze drying.

Explain the principles of separation technologies, including distillation, extraction, filtration, sedimentation, centrifugation, and crystallization.

Discuss quantitative physical, chemical, and computerized analyses used in the analysis of raw and processed foods, including photometry, colorimetry, refractometry, texture measurements, image processing, and machine vision.

State at least (5) principles and practices relating to processing waste management, including the management of solid and liquid waste generated during food processing.


TAE 514

Irrigation Engineering

State at least five (5) significance of irrigation in world agriculture.

Explain four (4) irrigation principles and techniques.

Highlight six (6) differences between surface, sprinkler, and sub-surface irrigation systems.

Design, demonstrate and implement at least three (3) advanced irrigation systems.

Apply irrigation scheduling for optimal crop growth in at least two (2) different crops.


TAE 515

Drainage Engineering

Describe and differentiate between the characteristics of heavy soils and other soil types. They should be able to recognize the challenges associated with heavy soils in agricultural settings.

Explain and apply both surface and sub-surface drainage techniques, including open mole and pipe drainage systems.

Design effective drainage schemes tailored to specific agricultural landscapes. This includes calculating drainage capacity, layout, and incorporating elements like gradients and drainage outlets.

Understand the types of machinery and equipment needed installation and maintenance of drainage systems and how to perform routine upkeep.

Select suitable filter materials for drainage systems, considering factors like permeability, clogging potential, and long-term effectiveness in managing soil and water interactions.


TAE 521

Agricultural Machinery II

Select suitable implements for various Nigerian conditions based on the principles of construction, design, and operation.

State at least six (6) importance of regular maintenance and repair of agricultural equipment and machinery to ensure optimum performance.

Describe at least five (5) impact of mechanization on agricultural productivity and its role in agricultural development in Nigeria.

List at least five (5) various equipment and machinery used in major farm operations and their applicability to Nigeria.

Identify at least four (4) news trends in Agricultural machinery management


TAE 522

Agricultural Materials Handling

Describe agricultural materials handling and choose appropriate handling equipment for three (3) different operations based on various factors such as type and nature of the materials, direction and length of travel etc. 

Describe the principles of operation of a screw conveyor, and determine its operational parameters such as carrying capacity, power requirement etc from design calculations under various conditions. 

Describe the principles of operation of a belt conveyor, and determine its operational parameters such as capacity, power requirement etc from design calculations under various conditions of vertical lift and length of travel, materials type etc.

Describe the principles of operation of a bucket elevator, and determine its operational parameters such as carrying capacity, power requirement etc from design calculations under various conditions. 

Describe the principles of operation of a pneumatic conveyor, and determine its operational parameters such as reduced conveying length, velocity of the conveying air stream, weight concentration of the mixture, air consumption and conveying pipe inner diameter, air pressure in the pipe and motor power of the blower. 


TAE 523

Farm Electrification 

Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of electrical principles, including voltage, current, and resistance, as well as how electricity is generated and distributed in agricultural settings.

Analyze the economics of power supply on farms, calculating the cost-benefit of using electricity for lighting, farm production, and processing compared to alternative power sources.

Design and implement safe and efficient electrical wiring systems for farmsteads, taking into account the specific electrical requirements of workshops, barns, storage houses, and other farm structures.

Select appropriate electric motors for various agricultural applications, considering factors such as power requirements, efficiency, and compatibility with farm machinery.

Perform routine maintenance and troubleshooting of electrical farm installations and machines, including hatcheries, milking machines, and feed mills, ensuring safe and reliable operation.


TAE 524

Land Clearing & Development

Describe at least (5) land tenure practices in Nigeria, including traditional systems, and the advantages and disadvantages of such practices.

State at least five (5) different machines and tools used for land clearing, such as bulldozers, tree extractors, graders, rollers, planers, Rome ploughs, and disc burners.

State at least (5) factors to consider when selecting the appropriate land clearing method and equipment, such as the terrain, size of the area, and desired outcomes.

State at least three (3) benefits and challenges associated with developing agricultural land, including the potential for increased food production and economic growth, as well as potential negative impacts on the environment and local communities.

Evaluate the effectiveness of land clearing and development projects, and the environmental impact of such activities and make recommendations for future improvements.


TAE 525

Computer Modelling of Agricultural Systems 

Proficiently formulate mathematical models that represent various agricultural processes, including crop growth, pest control, and irrigation management.

Create complex models that simulate agricultural processes and equipment, allowing students to analyze and predict outcomes under different conditions.

Identify optimal conditions and control variables for maximizing yields and minimizing resource usage.

Utilize computer-aided programs (e.g. Python and Matlab) for agricultural modelling and problem-solving, demonstrating their ability to navigate and leverage software tools for practical applications.

Develop individualized computer programs and solutions tailored to specific agricultural challenges. This includes writing, testing, and implementing code to address real-world issues in farming and agribusiness.


TAE 526

Farm Transportation

Design farm roads that consider factors such as terrain, soil types, and load-bearing capacity to ensure efficient and durable transportation networks on farms.

Develop and implement effective farm transportation systems, considering factors like crop types, distances, and seasonality, to minimize transport costs and time.

Design, build, or modify farm transport equipment such as trailers, carts, and harvesters to meet specific agricultural needs and improve efficiency.

Apply industry standards and specifications for farm transport equipment and infrastructure, ensuring compliance with safety and performance requirements.

Discuss ergonomic principles in the design of farm transport equipment and systems, with a focus on minimizing operator fatigue, injury, and discomfort during agricultural tasks.


TAE 531

Environmental Engineering   

Demonstrate a solid grasp of fundamental environmental concepts and theories, including the principles of ecology and the environment as an ecosystem.

Monitor and analyze environmental pollution, covering various pollutants and their impacts on ecosystems and human health.

Conduct both field and laboratory sampling and monitoring of different types of wastes, such as solid, liquid, and gas wastes, and analyzing their characteristics.

Design environmentally sound waste handling and disposal processes, taking into account factors like waste type, volume, and potential environmental impacts.

Discuss processes involved in waste-to-wealth, including biogas production, briquetting, and other sustainable methods to convert waste materials into valuable resources.