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Academic Programme


The programme requires full time studies in the University. A full-time student is required to register for a minimum of 18 units in a given semester, as stipulated by the University. The Faculty board, upon the recommendations of the Department may grant permission to register for less than the minimum load. The stated objectives are realizable through the courses available in the department and summarised in the table below.

Basic courses in the first and second years comprise mathematics, physics, chemistry, computing and general studies, humanities, and basic engineering courses common to all engineering students. To prepare students for the higher-level courses, they are required to take all foundation courses. Core subjects in electrical & electronic engineering provide the foundation for higher level studies. Included among the core subjects are microprocessors, analogue and digital electronics, measurement, instrumentation and control, communication, software engineering, circuit analysis, electrical machines, and power systems. In the fifth year, there are three options available; namely, Electronics, Power and Control, to enable the students freely select courses of individual interest. Typically, these options are offered to upgrade the knowledge in such areas or to strengthen link with special areas.

The following standard terminologies are used for different categories of courses:

  1. Compulsory: A course which a student must take and pass;

  2. Required: A course, which a student must take but not necessarily pass. However, if the course is a pre-requisite to other course(s) then the student must score a minimum mark of 30% to have a pre-requisite pass.

  3. Elective: A course specified by the Department, which a student can take in order to increase the total number of his/her units.

  4. Pre-requisite: A course, which essentially must be taken prior to taking another specified course. A pre-requisite requirement is fulfilled by completing and passing the pre-requisite; except that a student who fails a course but obtains at least a specified minimum mark (30%) in it shall be deemed to possess the course for pre-requisite purposes but will be credited only with the grade point assigned to his mark. The Faculty Board of Technology may also waive prerequisite courses for suitably qualified candidates on the recommendation of the department.

  5. Concurrent: A course, which a student must take during the same semester as another specified course.

Minimum Degree Requirements for B.Sc. Electrical & Electronic Engineering

(5-Year Degree Programme)










GES 101 (2)

MAT 111 (4), MAT 121(4) MAT 141(4)

STA 114(3)


PHY 104(3), PHY 102(3), PHY 103(3), 



PHY 105(3) PHY 118(3) CHE 126(3) 



CHE 156(4) CHE 191(2) TME 111(2) 



TME 121(1), GES 107 (2), GES 108 (2)


Total (2units)

(43 Units)

(3 Units) 




TEL 231(4), TEL 241(3), TEL 242 (2), 

TME 211(2), TME 212(2), TME 213(4)

STA 202(4)

GES 201(2)

TME 214(2), TME 221(2), TME 222(2)

CSC 233(4)


TME 223(1), MAT 241(4), MAT 223(4)

TME 224(3)


TIT 299(2), GES 103 (2), GES 106 (2)

TME 225(4)

TOTAL (11units)

(29 units)





TEL 331(3), TEL 332(4), TEL333(3),

TEL 341 (3), TEL 344(3), MAT 341(4), 


TEL 334(4), TEL336(3), TEL 342 (3),

MAT 351(4), TPE 316(3), TIT 399(3), 

TME  313 (4)

TEL 343 (3), TEL 345(3)

GES 301 (2), GES 102 (2)

MAT 342 (4)

TOTAL (26units)









TEL431(3), TEL 432 (3), TEL 433(3),

TEL 434(3), TEL 436(3) TEL437(2)

TEL 439 (2)

TEL435(3), TIT 499(6)

TEL 438 (2)

MAT 411 (3)

TOTAL (18units)

(10 units)

(5 units)










TEL 599(6), TEL 530 (2), TEL531(3), 

 TEL 541(3), TEL 542(3), TEL544(3), 

TEL534 (3), TEL 538(3)

TEL 532(4), TEL 533 (3), TEL 536(3),

TEL 545(3), TME 521(2), TIE 511(3).

TEL543(3), TEL 546 (3)

TEL 540 (1).


TEL 549 (3)

TOTAL (22units) 


(15 units)







TEL 599(6), TEL 530 (2), TEL535 (3), 

 TEL 532(4), TEL 533(3), TEL541(3), 

TEL541(3), TEL 542(3)

TEL 536(3), TEL 540 (1), TEL 547(3), 

TEL 544(3), TME 521(2), TIE 511(3).

TEL537(3), TEL 545 (3)

TEL 548(4),


TEL 549 (3)

TOTAL (22units) 


(15 units)