Academic Programmes
The academic programmes offered in Industrial and Production Engineering Department are: B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Phil./Ph.D. and Ph.D.
The options for postgraduate students are:
- Engineering Management
- Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering
- Production and Manufacturing Engineering
- Systems Engineering
- Operations Research
In addition to the academic programs, the department also offers a professional Masters programme in Engineering Management (Master of Engineering Management [M.E.M.]) with options in Work Systems, Ergonomics and Safety Management, Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Project Management and Maintenance, Facilities and Asset Management. The M.E.M Programme provides a blend of advanced engineering and business education aimed at preparing Engineers for effective participation in the management of engineering and technology-based organizations, and management of technological change.
5.1 Programme Educational Outcomes
The Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the Industrial and Production Engineering Department are formulated to focus on the long-term career and personal development of graduates in the field of Industrial and Production Engineering.
PEO1: Engineering Excellence: Graduates will excel in applying their engineering knowledge and skills to develop innovative solutions for complex real-world engineering problems, demonstrating a commitment to excellence in their profession.
PEO2: Holistic Problem Solvers: Graduates will be adept at identifying, analyzing, and solving complex engineering problems using a holistic approach, integrating scientific principles, sustainability considerations, and relevant research.
PEO3: Creative Design and Innovation Leaders: Graduates will emerge as leaders in creative design and innovation, pioneering solutions for engineering challenges and demonstrating a deep understanding of societal, environmental, and economic implications.
PEO4: Effective Investigators and Researchers: Graduates will have the capability to conduct thorough investigations and research on engineering problems, applying research-based knowledge, experimental design, data analysis, and critical synthesis.
PEO5: Proficient Technology Utilization: Graduates will demonstrate proficiency in selecting and employing modern engineering and IT tools, including predictive modeling, to tackle complex engineering problems efficiently and effectively.
PEO6: Sustainable Engineering Advocates: Graduates will actively advocate for and contribute to sustainable development in engineering by considering the broader impacts of their work on society, the environment, and legal and ethical frameworks.
PEO7: Ethical and Inclusive Engineering Leaders: Graduates will exhibit ethical leadership and inclusivity in engineering practice, upholding professional ethics and fostering diversity while adhering to national and international laws.
5.2 Programme Outcomes
Our programme has been very successful. The curriculum has been designed to help our graduates achieve 12 key programme outcomes (PO) itemized below. The relationship between the programme educational objectives and the programme outcomes is presented in the Table. Through the utilization and regular review of the programme educational objectives and the curriculum, our graduates are able to:
PO1-Engineering Knowledge: apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of developmental and complex engineering problems
PO2-Problem Analysis: identify, formulate, research literature and analyze developmental and complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences
PO3-Design/Development of Solutions: proffer solutions for developmental or complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations
PO4-Investigation: conduct investigation into developmental or complex problems using research based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5- Tool Usage: create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and ICT tools, including prediction, modelling and optimization to developmental and complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations
PO6-The Engineer and Society: apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge including Humanities and Social Sciences to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice
PO7-Environment and Sustainability: understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development
PO8- Ethics: apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice, including adherence to the COREN Engineers Code of Conduct.
PO9-Individual and Team Work: function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi disciplinary settings
PO10- Communication: communicate effectively on developmental or complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
PO11- Project Management: demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering, management and financial principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multi disciplinary environments
PO12-Lifelong Learning: recognize the need for, and have the preparations and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological and social changes
5.3 Mapping of POs to PEOs
This is presented as follows:
S/N | Programme Outcome | Corresponding Programme Educational Objective |
1 | PO1- Engineering Knowledge | PEO1, PEO2, PEO3, PEO4, PEO5 |
2 | PO2- Problem Analyses | PEO1, PEO2, PEO3, PEO4, PEO5 |
3 | PO3- Design/development of solutions | PEO1, PEO2, PEO3, PEO4 |
4 | PO4- Investigation | PEO2, PEO5, PEO6 |
5 | PO5- Tool Usage | PEO3, PEO4 |
6 | PO6- The Engineer and Society | PEO2, PEO5, PEO6 |
7 | PO7-Environment and Sustainability | PEO1, PEO5, PEO7 |
8 | PO8- Ethics | PEO6, PEO7 |
9 | PO9- Individual and Team work | PEO1, PEO7 |
10 | PO10- Communication | PEO4, PEO6, PEO7 |
11 | PO11- Project Management | PEO2, PEO5, PEO6, PEO7 |
12 | PO12- Lifelong learning | PEO1, PEO4, PEO6 |
6.1 List of Undergraduate Courses to be taken At 100 – 500 Levels
Level | Compulsory Courses | Required Courses | Elective Courses |
100 | GES 101 (2); GES 102 (2); GES 103 (2); GES 107 (2); GES 108 (2); GES 201 (2); GES 301 (2); GES 106 (3)
| TME 111 (2); TME 121 (1) CHE 126 (3); CHE 156 (4); CHE 191 (2); PHY 104 (3); PHY 102 (3); PHY103(3) PHY 105 (3); PHY 118 (3); MAT 111 (4); MAT 121 (4) MAT 141 (4); STA 114 (4)
TOTAL UNITS = 43 | MAT 101 (3);
200 | GES 201 (2); TIE 211(2); TME 222(2);STA 204 (3) ; TME 211 (2) | TME 212 (2);TME 213 (4); TME 224 (3); TME 214 (3); TME 225 (4); TEL 211 (4); MAT 241 (2) MAT 213 (4);TIT 299 (2); TIE 212 (2) | CSC 241(4); CSC 233 (3)
300 | TIE 311(3);TIE 312(3) TIE 313(2);TIE 314(3) TME316(4);TIE 322(3) TOTAL UNITS = 18 | TME 313 (4); TME 315 (3);TME 321 (4); TME 324 (4);TME 322 (4); TME 323(3) ; TPE 316 (2); TME 312 (2) ; TIT 399(3); TIE 321(2); TIE 323 (3); SOC 317(3)
TOTAL UNITS= 37 | TEL323(3) TEL315(3); CSC234(3) TOTAL UNITS=9 |
400 | TIE 411 (2); TIE 412 (3); TIE 413 (3); TIE 415 (2); TIE 414 (3); TIE 418 (3); TIE 419 (3); TIT 499 (6);
TOTAL UNITS = 25 | TME 415 (3)
| TIE 416 (3); TIE 417 (2); TME 411 (3); TME 413 (3)
500 | TIE 511(3); TIE 514(3); TIE 515(4); TIE 523(3); TIE 599(6) TOTAL UNITS= 19 | TIE 513(3); TIE 516(3); TIE 521(3); TIE 522(3); TIE 524(3)
TOTAL UNITS= 15 | TIE 512(3); TIE 525(3); TIE 526(2); TME 521(2); STA 353 (3) TOTAL UNITS= 13 |
= 128 |
= 43 |
The core Industrial and Production Engineering courses can be classified into the following areas:
i. Ergonomics and Humans Factors Engineering: This deals with the design of man-machine work systems with emphasis on worker relation to his general work environment (physical facilities, fellow worker and ambient conditions). Some of the courses in this area are Work- Systems design, Methods and Safety Engineering, Work Measurement and Human Factors Engineering.
ii. Engineering Management: deals with the use of scientific techniques in measuring, evaluating, choosing alternative courses of actions, controlling and predicting the outcomes of operations. It covers such courses as Engineering Economics, Replacement Theory, Production Forecasting, Decision Theory, Engineering Organizations as well as Project Planning and Control.
iii. Operations Research: combines mathematical modelling techniques with the principles of optimization to identify the most effective and efficient components of a work system. Mathematical Programming, Network flow Analysis and Engineering Statistics, Queuing Theory are some of the courses in Operations Research.
iv. Production/Manufacturing:deals with the principles and techniques of the design and analysis of effective, efficient, safe, reliable and maintainable production systems. Also deals with product development. It includes such courses as Process Analysis, Synthesis and Design; Production and Inventory Systems Design and Control; Quality Control; Maintenance System Design; Plant Layout and Location, product development, manufacturing processes etc.
v. Systems Analysis: is the application of mathematical and computer modelling techniques to design and analyse complex systems. The areas covered include information systems, simulation, computer communication techniques.