The present Mechanical Engineering Department in the Faculty of Technology, University of Ibadan has evolved over the last 35 years.
In the 1972/73 Session, the programme started as one of Machine Design Engineering in the then Institute of Applied Science and Technology.
In 1975, when the Institute transformed to the Faculty of Technology, the Machine Design Engineering Unit became the Department of Design and Production Engineering offering programmes in Machine Design Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering and Wood Engineering.
In 1978, further changes were effected in the structure of the Faculty. The Department of Design and Production Engineering was changed to the Department of Mechanical Engineering offering degree programmes in both Mechanical Engineering and Wood Processing Engineering.
The Present form of Department of Mechanical Engineering offering only a degree programme in Mechanical Engineering finally came into being in 1980 based on the recommendations of NUC and COREN.
Our five-year B.Sc degree programme has produced over one thousand four hundred (1400) graduates in Mechanical Engineering from 1980 to 2022 with 5%, 33%, 54% and 8% of these in First Class, Second Class (Upper), Second Class (Lower) and (Third Class & Pass) classifications respectively. Only 2% of our graduates were female. We have also, at Post-graduate level produced over Four hundred (400) Master of Science (M.Sc) and twenty (20) Ph.D. graduates in Mechanical Engineering to date. All our graduates (first or higher degrees) are pursuing successful careers in companies with a wide variety of interests such as consultancy, power generation/distribution, oil prospecting/servicing/refining and manufacturing as well as in academia. Many have risen to responsible and leadership posts there.