Course Code | Course Title | Units | Status |
GES 101 | The Use of English | 2 | Compulsory |
GES 103 | Government, Society & Economy)
| 3 | Compulsory |
GES 107 | Reproductive Health, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) | 2 | Compulsory |
GES 108 | Introduction to French | 2 | Required |
MAT 111 | Algebra | 4 | Required |
MAT 121 | Calculus & Trigonometry | 4 | Required |
MAT 141 | Analytical Geometry & Mechanics | 4 | Required |
CHE 126 | Inorganic Chemistry | 3 | Required |
CHE 156 | Physical Chemistry | 3 | Required |
CHE 176 | Organic Chemistry | 3 | Required |
CHE 191 | Practical Chemistry for 100 Level | 2 | Required |
PHY 102 | Introductory Mechanics & Properties of Matter | 3 | Required |
PHY 103 | Introductory Heat & Thermodynamics | 3 | Required |
PHY 104 | Introductory Electricity & Magnetism | 3 | Required |
PHY 105 | Introductory Wave, Optics & Modern Physics | 3 | Required |
STA 114 | General Statistics | 3 | Required |
TME 111 | Basic Engineering Drawing | 2 | Required |
TME 121 | Basic Workshop Practice | 1 | Required |
PHY 118 | Experimental Physics | 3 | Elective |
Total Units: Compulsory = 7 Units; Required = 43 Units; Electives = 3Units |
Course Code | Course Title | Units | Status |
GES 201 | Use of English II | 2 | Required |
GES 102 | GES 102 African Cultures & Civilization | 2 | Required |
GES 106 | Philosophy, Logic & Critical Thinking | 2 | Required |
TWE 211 | Introduction to Wood & Biomaterials Engineering | 2 | Compulsory |
TWE 212 OR TME 214 | Introduction to Computing & ICT Applications in Biomaterials Engineering
Elementary Computer Programming | 3 | Required |
TWE 221 | Field & Case Studies in Wood & Biomaterials Engineering | 2 | Compulsory |
TCE 222 | Theory of Structures | 3 | Required |
TME 211 | Engineering Drawing I | 1 | Compulsory |
TME 212 | Engineering Mechanics | 2 | Compulsory |
TME 213 | Thermodynamics | 4 | Required |
TME 221 | Workshop Practice I | 2 | Required |
TME 224 | Fluid Mechanics I | 3 | Required |
TME 225 | Strength of Materials I | 4 | Required |
TIT 299 | Students’ Work Experience Programme (SWEP) | 2 | Required |
MAT 213 | Algebra I | 4 | Required |
MAT 242 | Vectorial Mechanics | 4 | Required |
MAT 223 | Analysis (for Non-Majors) | 4 | Elective |
STA 204 | General Statistics II | 3 | Elective |
TEL 231 | Applied Electricity | 4 | Required |
TEL 242 | Basic Electrical & Electronic Measurements | 2 | Elective |
TME 222 | Engineering Drawing II | 2 | Elective |
TME 223 | Introduction to Engineering Practice | 1 | Elective |
TIE 212 | Principles of Economics for Engineers | 2 | Elective |
SEF 220 | Introduction to Climate Change & Renewable Natural Resources | 2 | Elective |
Total Units: Compulsory = 7 Units; Required = 41 Units; Electives = 9 Units |
Course Code | Course Title | Units | Status |
GES 301 | Introduction to Entrepreneurship Skills | 2 | Required |
TWE 311 | BasicProperties of Wood & Allied Biomaterials | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 312 | Harvesting of Timber and Non-Timber Forest Products | 2 | Required |
TWE 313 | Wood & Biomaterials Identification | 2 | Compulsory |
TWE 321 | Mechanical Properties of Wood & Biomaterials | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 322 | Conversion Equipment for Wood & Biomaterials | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 323 | Chemistry of Wood and Biomaterials | 3 | Required |
TME 312 | Workshop Practice II | 1 | Required |
TME 313 | Material Science | 4 | Required |
TCE 313 OR TME 315 | Structural Analysis I OR Strength of Materials II | 3 | Required |
TME 321 | Applied Thermodynamics | 4 | Required |
TME 324 | Design of Machine Elements | 3 | Required |
MAT 241 | Ordinary Differential Equations | 4 | Required |
MAT 351 | Numerical Analysis | 4 | Required |
TPE 316 | Technical Writing & Presentation | 2 | Required |
FPP 314 | Principle of Silviculture | 3 | Required |
TIT 399 | Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES I) | 3 | Required |
TAE 310 | Introduction to Farm Buildings & Structures | 3 | Elective |
TCE 314 | Structural Design I | 3 | Elective |
TCE 325 | Elements of Architecture | 4 | Elective |
TCE 332 | Materials for Construction | 3 | Elective |
TCE 321 | Civil Engineering Drawing | 2 | Elective |
TIE 313 | Engineering Economics | 3 | Elective |
TIE 314 | Work Study | 3 | Elective |
TIE 321 | Project Planning & Control I | 3 | Elective |
TME 311 | Engineering Drawing III | 3 | Elective |
TME 314 | Fluid Mechanics II | 3 | Elective |
TME 316 | Manufacturing Science I | 4 | Elective |
TME 322 | Mechanics of Machines | 4 | Elective |
Total Units: Compulsory = 9 Units; Required = 38 Units; Electives = 30 Units |
Course Code | Course Title | Units | Status |
TWE 411 | Biodeterioration & Preservation of Wood & Bioproducts | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 412 | Wood-Based Panels & Natural Fibre-Reinforced Composites | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 413 | Environment, Society & the Use of Biomaterials | 2 | Compulsory |
TIT 499 | Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES II) | 6 | Compulsory |
TWE 414 | Bioenergy Production Technologies | 2 | Required |
TWE 415 | Introduction to Furniture Analysis & Design | 3 | Required |
TWE 416 | Polymer and Fibre Chemistry | 2 | Elective |
TWE 417 | Interior Design Materials & Innovation | 2 | Elective |
TAE 414 | Design of Agricultural Structures | 3 | Elective |
TIE 312 | Operations Research | 3 | Elective |
TIE 323 | Accounting & Finance for Engineers | 3 | Elective |
TIE 415 | Industrial & Product Safety | 2 | Elective |
TME 414 | Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer | 4 | Elective |
SEF 421 | Entrepreneurial Skills in Renewable Natural Resources | 3 | Elective |
Total Units: Compulsory = 14 Units; Required = 5 Units; Electives = 22 Units |
- Pulp & Paper Engineering Option
Course Code | Course Title | Units | Status |
TWE 511 | Structural Design with Sustainable Bioproducts I | 3 | Required |
TWE 512 | Quality Control & Marketing of Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 513 | Drying of Wood & Allied Biomaterials | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 514 | Pulp Manufacturing &Its Derivatives | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 515 | Sawmilling Systems | 3 | Required |
TWE 516 | Adhesives & Finishes for Sustainable Bioproducts Manufacturing | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 521 | Paper Manufacturing Technology | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 522 | Introduction to Sustainable Building Materials | 3 | Elective |
TWE 523 | Interior Design Materials & Processes | 2 | Elective |
TWE 524 | Structural Design with Sustainable Bioproducts II | 3 | Required |
TWE 525 | Computer Modelling of Production Processes for Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Required |
TWE 526 | Furniture Manufacturing with Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Elective |
TWE 529 | Introduction to Polymer Engineering | 3 | Required |
TWE 530 | Pollution Sources, Effects & Control Measures | 2 | Elective |
TWE 532 | Biomaterial Waste Management | 2 | Required |
TWE 533 | Rheology of Biomaterials | 2 | Elective |
TWE 534 | Non-Destructive Testing of Biomaterials | 2 | Elective |
TWE 599 | Final Year Project | 6 | Compulsory |
TME 521 | Engineering Law | 2 | Required |
TAE 531 | Environmental Engineering | 3 | Elective |
TIE 511 | Engineering Management | 3 | Elective |
SEF 531 | Forest Governance & Institutions | 2 | Elective |
Total Units: Compulsory = 21Units; Required = 19 Units; Electives = 15 Units |
- Biomaterial Processing & Utilisation Option
Course Code | Course Title | Units | Status |
TWE 511 | Structural Design with Sustainable Bioproducts I | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 512 | Quality Control & Marketing of Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 513 | Drying of Wood & Allied Biomaterials | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 514 | Pulp Manufacturing &Its Derivatives | 2 | Required |
TWE 515 | Sawmilling Systems | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 516 | Adhesives & Finishes for Sustainable Bioproducts Manufacturing | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 521 | Paper Manufacturing Technology | 3 | Required |
TWE 522 | Introduction to Sustainable Building Materials | 3 | Required |
TWE 523 | Interior Design Materials & Processes | 2 | Elective |
TWE 524 | Structural Design with Sustainable Bioproducts II | 3 | Required |
TWE 525 | Computer Modelling of Production Processes for Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Required |
TWE 526 | Furniture Manufacturing with Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Required |
TWE 529 | Introduction to Polymer Engineering | 3 | Elective |
TWE 530 | Pollution Sources, Effects & Control Measures | 2 | Elective |
TWE 532 | Biomaterial Waste Management | 2 | Required |
TWE 533 | Rheology of Biomaterials | 2 | Elective |
TWE 534 | Non-Destructive Testing of Biomaterials | 2 | Elective |
TWE 599 | Final Year Project | 6 | Compulsory |
TME 521 | Engineering Law | 2 | Required |
TIE 511 | Engineering Management | 3 | Elective |
TCE 515 | Building Services Engineering | 3 | Elective |
SEF 531 | Forest Governance & Institutions | 2 | Elective |
Total Units: Compulsory = 21 Units; Required = 21 Units; Electives = 14 Units |
- Bioenergy Engineering Option
Course Code | Course Title | Units | Status |
TWE 511 | Structural Design with Sustainable Bioproducts I | 3 | Required |
TWE 512 | Quality Control & Marketing of Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 513 | Drying of Wood & Allied Biomaterials | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 514 | Pulp Manufacturing &Its Derivatives | 3 | Required |
TWE 515 | Sawmilling Systems | 3 | Required |
TWE 516 | Adhesives & Finishes for Sustainable Bioproducts Manufacturing | 3 | Required |
TWE 517 | Bioenergy Engineering 1 | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 521 | Paper Manufacturing Technology | 3 | Required |
TWE 524 | Structural Design with Sustainable Bioproducts II | 3 | Required |
TWE 525 | Computer Modelling of Production Processes for Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Required |
TWE 526 | Furniture Manufacturing with Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Elective |
TWE 527 | Energy, Environment & Climate Change | 2 | Compulsory |
TWE 528 | Carbon Stocks Management | 2 | Compulsory |
TWE 530 | Pollution Sources, Effects& Control Measures | 2 | Elective |
TWE 531 | Bioenergy Engineering II | 2 | Compulsory |
TWE 532 | Wood & Biomaterial Waste Management | 2 | Elective |
TWE 599 | Final Year Project | 6 | Compulsory |
TME 521 | Engineering Law | 2 | Required |
TAE 510 | Introduction to Agricultural Waste Management | 2 | Elective |
TAE 531 | Environmental Engineering | 3 | Elective |
TIE 511 | Engineering Management | 3 | Elective |
SEF 531 | Forest Governance & Institutions | 2 | Elective |
Total Units: Compulsory = 21 Units; Required = 23Units; Electives = 17 Units |
Furniture Design & Manufacturing Option
Course Code | Course Title | Units | Status |
TWE 511 | Structural Design with Sustainable Bioproducts I | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 512 | Quality Control & Marketing of Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Required |
TWE 513 | Drying of Wood & Allied Biomaterials | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 514 | Pulp Manufacturing &Its Derivatives | 2 | Required |
TWE 515 | Sawmilling Systems | 3 | Required |
TWE 516 | Adhesives & Finishes for Sustainable Bioproducts Manufacturing | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 521 | Paper Manufacturing Technology | 3 | Required |
TWE 522 | Introduction to Sustainable Building Materials | 3 | Required |
TWE 523 | Interior Design Materials& Processes | 2 | Required |
TWE 524 | Structural Design with Sustainable Bioproducts II | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 525 | Computer Modelling of Production Processes for Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Required |
TWE 526 | Furniture Manufacturing with Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 533 | Rheology of Biomaterials | 2 | Elective |
TWE 534 | Non-Destructive Testing of Biomaterials | 2 | Elective |
TWE 599 | Final Year Project | 6 | Compulsory |
TME 521 | Engineering Law | 2 | Required |
TIE 511 | Engineering Management | 3 | Elective |
TCE 515 | Building Services Engineering | 3 | Elective |
TIE 411 | Engineering Reliability | 2 | Elective |
TIE 515 | Facilities & Industrial Systems Design | 4 | Elective |
TIE 524 | Manufacturing Information Systems | 3 | Elective |
SEF 531 | Forest Governance & Institutions | 2 | Elective |
Total Units: Compulsory = 21 Units; Required = 21 Units; Electives = 21 Units |
- Structural Design Option
Course Code | Course Title | Units | Status |
TWE 511 | Structural Design with Sustainable Bioproducts I | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 512 | Quality Control & Marketing of Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 513 | Drying of Wood & Allied Biomaterials | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 514 | Pulp Manufacturing &Its Derivatives | 2 | Required |
TWE 515 | Sawmilling Systems | 3 | Required |
TWE 516 | Adhesives & Finishes for Sustainable Bioproducts Manufacturing | 3 | Required |
TWE 521 | Paper Manufacturing Technology | 3 | Required |
TWE 522 | Introduction to Sustainable Building Materials | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 523 | Interior Decoration Materials & Processes | 2 | Elective |
TWE 524 | Structural Design with Sustainable Bioproducts II | 3 | Compulsory |
TWE 525 | Computer Modelling of Production Processes for Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Required |
TWE 526 | Furniture Manufacturing with Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | Required |
TWE 533 | Rheology of Biomaterials | 2 | Required |
TWE 534 | Non-Destructive Testing of Biomaterials | 2 | Required |
TWE 599 | Final Year Project | 6 | Compulsory |
TME 521 | Engineering Law | 2 | Required |
TCE 513 | Terotechnology | 2 | Elective |
TCE 514 | Structural Design III | 4 | Elective |
TCE 515 | Building Services Engineering | 3 | Elective |
TIE 511 | Engineering Management | 3 | Elective |
TCE524 | Advanced Structural Analysis | 3 | Elective |
TCE525 | Construction Engineering | 3 | Elective |
Total Units: Compulsory = 21Units; Required = 23Units; Electives = 20Units |
Course Code and Learning Outcomes | Course Title & Description |
TWE 211 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Introduction to Wood & Biomaterials EngineeringDefinition of relevant terms-science, technology, engineering, wood science, wood technology, wood engineering, sustainable bioproducts, etc. A brief discussion on the evolution of the engineering profession; Current uses of wood &non-timber forest products (e.g., tall grasses like bamboo, palms like rattan & raffia, climbers like Cissus populnea, hemps, et c) and aquatic weeds) as industrial materials and the advantages; A survey of the forest products industries in Nigeria. Job opportunities in the global Forest Products Industries. HL: 30 (24/6); HP:0; U:2; CR:0 P:0
TWE 212 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Computer Programming & ICT Applications in Biomaterials Engineering Principles of operation, applications, demonstrations, and practical hand-on exercises in word processing, spreadsheet (data) processing, database management, and report presentation using popular software packages, e.g., Microsoft WORD, EXCEL, PowerPoint, etc. Internet Services: Mini-project to test proficiency in use of software packages. HL: 15; HP:45; U:2; CR:0; P:0
TWE 221 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Field & Case Studies in Wood & Biomaterials Engineering On-site studies of wood products industries, processing techniques and product manufacturing practices. Supervised study and reporting on the representative wood products industries visited. Invitation of successful practitioners to provide case studies & mentor students. HL:0; HP: 45; U:1 CR:0; P: TWE 211
TWE 311 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to: i. Differentiate and compare the gross and microscopic structure and chemical composition of hardwoods, softwoods, bamboo, rattans, and emerging biomaterials of engineering significance. ii. Analyse and quantify the variability, abnormal growth, shrinkage, swelling, permeability, natural defects, and bio-deterioration phenomena in wood and biomaterials. iii. Investigate the influence of density, moisture content, and temperature on the strength properties and practical applications of wood and allied biomaterials. iv. Measure and assess the thermal, electrical, and acoustical properties of these biomaterials, applying the acquired knowledge in practical scenarios. v. Apply the principles of thermodynamics to understand moisture sorption processes, including adsorption and desorption, within wood and allied biomaterials.
| Basic Properties of Wood & Allied Biomaterials Gross and microscopic structure and chemical composition of wood-hardwoods, softwoods bamboo, rattans & emerging biomaterials of engineering importance. Variability, abnormal growth, shrinkage and swelling, permeability, natural defects & bio-deterioration phenomena in wood & biomaterials. Effects of density, moisture content and temperature on strength properties and utilisation. Thermal, electrical, acoustical properties. Thermodynamics of moisture sorption including adsorption-desorption. HL: 30; HP:45; U:3; CR:0; P:0
TWE 312 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to: i. Define and articulate key terms and concepts related to timber and non-timber forest product harvesting. ii. Compare and contrast modern and traditional harvesting methods for timber and non-timber forest products, including rattans and bamboos. iii. Evaluate and distinguish between harvesting practices in natural forests and forest plantations. iv. Develop effective harvesting plans, considering ecological and sustainability factors. v. Demonstrate competence in stump area operations, including techniques for minimizing environmental impact. vi. Apply principles and elements of forest road design, construction, and maintenance to facilitate efficient and sustainable harvesting operations.
| Harvesting of Timber and Non-Timber Forest Products Definition of basic terms and concepts associated with harvesting. Modern and traditional methods of harvesting timber and non-timber forest products such as rattans and bamboos. Harvesting in natural forests and forest plantations. Harvesting plans. Stump area operations. Elements of forest road design, construction and maintenance. HL:30; HP:0; U:2; CR: 0; P:0
TWE 313 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Wood & Biomaterial IdentificationIdentification of principal commercial tropical hardwoods, bamboos & rattans based on gross characteristics. Emphasis on identification at the macroscopic and microscopic levels. HL:0; HP:45; U:1; CR: TWE 311; P:0
TWE 321 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Mechanical Properties of Wood & BiomaterialsThe mechanical properties of wood & biomaterials and their uses in structural applications. Anisotropic properties of wood & biomaterials; standard tests and stress calculations, creep and relaxation. Non-destructive testing. Grading rules for sawn timber, bamboo & rattans. HL: 30; HP:45; U:3; CR:0; P: TWE 311
TWE 322 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to: i. Understand the theory of cutting as it applies to wood and allied materials, including factors that affect cutting efficiency and quality. ii. Evaluate the design principles of saws and cutters, applying knowledge to select appropriate cutting tools for specific applications. iii. Demonstrate competence in the operation and maintenance of various sawmilling and re-sawing equipment, such as band saws, circular saws, gang saws, frame saws, and planers. iv. Effectively use mill handling equipment to optimize workflow and productivity in wood and biomaterial processing. v. Implement dust extraction systems to enhance safety and air quality within sawmills, adhering to environmental and health regulations.
| Conversion Equipment for Wood & Biomaterials Theory of cutting in relation to wood and allied materials. Design and saws and cutters. Sawmilling and re-sawing equipment including band saw, circular saw, gang and frame saw, planner etc. Mill handling equipment, dust extraction from sawmills. HL: 30 (24/6); HP:45; U:3; CR:0; P:TWE 311
TWE 323 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to: i. Explain the key principles of the biochemistry of wood and natural fibre formation. ii. Evaluate the chemical properties of wood and natural fibres through laboratory tests and measurements. iii. Identify and describe chemical reactions involving cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin in wood-based materials. iv. Apply knowledge of fundamental chemical reactions to process wood and similar sustainable biomaterials effectively. v. Analyse and recommend suitable wood modification techniques based on chemical considerations. vi. Quantify and analyse wood/natural fibre-adhesive interactions using experimental data. vii. Assess the impact of preservative chemicals on sustainable biomaterials and propose appropriate solutions. viii. Devise strategies for the utilization of chemical by-products from sustainable biomaterials. ix. Execute laboratory exercises proficiently, collect data, and draw scientifically sound conclusions.
| Chemistry of Wood Products & BiomaterialsThe biochemistry of wood & natural fibre formation. Chemical properties of wood & natural fibres. The reaction chemistry of wood-based materials: chemical reactions involving cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Fundamental chemical reactions involved in processing wood & similar sustainable biomaterials, wood modification, wood/natural fibre-adhesive interactions; interactions between sustainable biomaterials and preservative chemicals. Utilization of chemical bye-products of sustainable biomaterials. Laboratory exercises. HL: 15 (12/3); HP:45; U:2; CR: 0; P: TWE 311
TWE 411 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to: i. Identify and classify the various types of deterioration agents for wood, bamboos, and rattans, including fungi, insects, and marine borers. ii. Analyse the mechanisms and consequences of decay caused by these organisms, considering the impact on material properties. iii. Evaluate methods for preventing decay in wood and bioproducts, emphasizing both natural and chemical prevention techniques. iv. Assess the effects of other agents of biomaterial degradation, such as fire, weathering, and discoloration, on wood and related materials. v. Propose effective protection strategies against deterioration, including the selection and application of preservatives and preservation techniques. vi. Examine the deterioration of composite materials in service and recommend preservation methods tailored to their specific needs. vii. Apply acquired knowledge to real-world scenarios, demonstrating the ability to preserve wood and bioproducts efficiently and sustainably.
| Biodeterioration & Preservation of Wood & BioproductsDeterioration of wood, bamboos and rattans by fungi, insects, and marine borers. Types of decay organisms, decay condition mechanisms and consequences. Special reference to the effects of decay on material properties and methods of decay prevention. Other agents of biomaterial degradation: fire, weathering, discolorations. Protection against deterioration; chemicals used for preservation and techniques employed for applying preservatives. Deterioration of composite materials in service and method of their preservation. HL:30; HP:45; U:3; CR:0; P: TWE 311
TWE 412 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Wood-Based Panel & Natural Fibre-Reinforced Composites Manufacturing processes, basic properties and uses of panel products: plywood, particleboard, fibreboard, Oriented Strand Board, Cement--Bonded Composites, and Modern Laminated Products. A review of the materials for the production of these products. Methods of testing and determination of basic and grade strength of each product. Uses of each product in construction. HL:30; HP:45; U:3; CR:0; P:0
TWE 413 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Environment, Society & the Use of Sustainable Bioproducts Examination of the environmental, social and political issues surrounding logging, preservative treatments & the manufacture and use of sustainable bioproducts- lumber, pulp & paper, plywood, particleboard, & charcoal. Emphasis is placed on the impact of the forest products industries on environment (soil, water bodies, & the atmosphere). Other topics will include: life cycle analysis of sustainable bioproducts; An introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment-definition, significance & importance; Forest certification & eco-labelling; recycling. HL:30; HP:45; U:3; CR:0; P:0
TWE 414 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Bioenergy Production Technologies A review of the basic mechanical, biological, chemical and thermal processes for converting biomass into biofuels, e.g., briquetting, pelletization, biodigestion to produce biogas, trans-esterification to produce biodiesel, fermentation & alcohol distillation to produce bioethanol, gasification, and pyrolysis (i.e., torrefaction, carbonisation and full pyrolysis), etc. A review of traditional and modern charcoal production processes. A discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the various technologies. Practical demonstration of the technologies and field visits to installation sites. HL:30; HP:45; U:3; CR:0; P: TWE 414
TWE 415 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Introduction to Furniture Analysis &Design Historical evolution & landmarks in furniture production; A review of the wooden and rattan furniture industry in Nigeria. Classification of furniture & furniture products (home, office, school, laboratory, et c). Furniture design principles- ergonomics and anthropometry; Draughtsmanship; Basic equations for structural analysis of furniture frames/joints; Ergonomic design of modern furniture based on sustainable bioproducts such as wood, plywood, bamboo and rattans. Techniques for bending furniture framing members. Preliminaries in furniture design- material & cutting list preparation, and costing. Furniture framing, jointing, adhesives, and production processes, tools/equipment/machines. Simple design exercises using manual methods and computer software packages. HL:30; HP:45; U:3; CR:0; P: TWE 311
TWE 416 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Polymer and Fibre Chemistry HL:30; HP:0; U:2; CR: 0; P:
TWE 417 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to: i. Summarize the historical development of interior design, identifying key milestones and influential movements. ii. Apply principles of colour theory to create effective colour schemes for interior design projects. iii. Identify and describe fundamental interior design materials, including wood, wallpaper, textiles, mosaic tiles, carpets, and more. iv. Differentiate between various floor and wall finishes and their appropriate applications in interior design. v. Explain the rationale behind using finishing materials in buildings and structures, considering both functional and aesthetic aspects. vi. Analyse factors that influence the selection of finishing materials, such as cost, durability, sustainability, and design goals. vii. Classify and compare different types of finishes applied to wood surfaces in interior design, including waxes, shellac, drying oils, lacquers, varnishes, and paints, based on their properties and applications.
| Interior Design Materials & Processes I A brief history of interior design. Colour theory. Basic materials for interior design, e.g., wood, wallpaper, textiles, mosaic tiles, carpets, etc. Floor & wall finishes. Reasons for using finishing materials in buildings and structures. Factors involved in selecting a finishing material. Types of finishes applied to wood surfaces in interior design, e.g., waxes, shellac, drying oils, lacquers, varnishes, paints, etc. HL:30; HP:0; U:2; CR: 0; P:
TWE 511 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Structural Design with Wood & Biomaterials I Basic theory of structures including considerations of elastic and non-elastic deformations in relation to wood and other biomaterials. General requirements for structural designs. Types of structural Loads. Standard (nominal) dimensions & strength grouping of timber and bamboo species. Modification factors. Design of solid and built-up beams, including glue-laminated beams & stressed skin panels. Practical uses of the computer and proprietary software programs for structural design. HL:30 (24/6); HP:45; U:3; CR: 0; P: TME 214, TME 225,TCE 313
TWE 512 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Quality Control of Wood Products Product development and promotion. End-use patterns for sustainable bioproducts. Quality standards and the applications of statistical quality control techniques in lumber, composites, panel products and pulp/paper industries. Principles of log and lumber grading and measurement. Determination of lumber target sizes, control and tolerance limits. Product inspection and certification. HL:30 (24/6); HP:45;U:3;CR: 0; P:0
TWE 513 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Drying of Wood & Biomaterials Principles of heat transfer, humidification and drying: importance of drying wood and other biomaterials, types of kilns, methods of drying, kiln features, drying schedules, drying defects, log and lumber storage, energy requirements for drying. Introduction to solar drying principles and techniques. Practical exercises on the design of simple drying systems/facilities. HL:30 (24/6); HP:45; U:3; CR: 0; P:TWE 311
TWE 514 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Pulp Manufacturing & Its Derivatives The chemical and technological principles of manufacturing pulps from various lignocelluloses including wood, grasses (e.g., bamboo) and other biomaterials. Fundamental processes adopted in the pulping industry including material procurement and preparation, et c. Chemical, semi-chemical and mechanical pulping. Complete tree utilization in the manufacture of pulp. Environmental pollution and water problems associated with liquid effluents from pulping processes. HL:30 (24/6); HP:45;U:3;CR: 0; P:TWE 311
TWE 515 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to: i. Apply principles for the design and operation of sawmills, encompassing the entire process from log sorting yard to green lumber production. ii. Utilize methods to accurately estimate lumber yield and mill residues, considering advanced wood sawing techniques. iii. Demonstrate proficiency in processing and finishing wood products within the context of sawmilling systems. iv. Execute fabrication, assembly, and repair tasks for machine components commonly used in sawmills. v. Analyse and address issues related to vibration and noise in sawmilling operations, implementing effective mitigation strategies. vi. Identify causes of saw buckling during wood conversion and employ preventive measures to ensure efficient processing. vii. Familiarize with sawing optimization systems and process control techniques, optimizing lumber production. viii. Apply cost accounting principles and conduct investment analysis to assess the economic viability of sawmilling systems and projects.
| Sawmilling Systems Principles for the design and operation of sawmills from the log sorting yard to the green lumber stage. Methods of estimating lumber yield and mill residues; Advanced techniques of wood sawing. Processing and finishing of wood. Fabrication, assemblage and repairs of machine components. Vibration and noise in sawmills. Buckling of saw during wood conversion: causes and methods of prevention. Introduction to sawing optimization systems and process control. Cost accounting and investment analysis HL:30; HP:45;U:3;CR: 0; P: TWE 311, TWE 322 |
TWE 516 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Adhesives & Finishes for Sustainable Bioproducts Manufacturing Adhesive theory, essential and desirable requirements for adhesives utilized for sustainable bioproducts including wood, bamboo and rattans employed for structural and non-structural purposes. Types and classifications of adhesives for the production of glulam, scarf and finger joints. Behaviour of glued joints under loading. Sealants and coatings used in the handicraft, furniture and building construction industries, laboratory exercises: identification of materials, methods of application and methods of evaluating the materials. HL:30 (24/6); HP:45; U:3;CR: 0; P:0
TWE 517 Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students should be able to:
| Bioenergy Engineering I The need for energy products; global energy sources and distribution; future trends in energy products exploitation; biomass availability and potentials; traditional biomass energy crops; fuel wood species & their characteristics; primary biomass energy products-definition, chemical composition, current biomass energy products and their contributions towards energy supply; review of biomass materials characterisation- proximate and ultimate analyses, Heating values- lower and higher heating value meanings & determination; secondary biomass energy products & by-products -definition, need for secondary energy products Methods of harnessing solar energy for drying wood and other bioproducts, water heating, lighting and cooking; advantages and disadvantages of solar energy utilisation; the uses of wood products in fabricating solar cookers, heaters and driers . HL:30; HP:0; U:2;CR: 0; P:TME 213; TWE 414
TWE 521 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to: i. Explain the chemical and technological principles underlying the entire paper manufacturing process, from fibre furnish preparation to the final drying stage. ii. Analyse the processes of bleaching, refining, sheet forming, filling, sizing, colouring, and coating in paper manufacturing, considering their impacts on paper quality and properties. iii. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of paper machinery operating variables and their influence on the manufacturing process. iv. Apply acquired knowledge to optimize paper production, ensuring the efficient and consistent manufacturing of high-quality paper products. v. Evaluate and recommend process improvements and innovations in paper manufacturing technology based on an in-depth understanding of the principles and variables involved.
| Paper Manufacturing Technology The chemical and technological principles of paper manufacturing from the preparation of fibre furnishes to the final stage of drying; including bleaching, refining, sheet forming, filling, sizing, colouring and coating. Paper machinery operating variables. HL:30 (24/6); HP:45;U:3;CR: 0; P:TWE 514
TWE 522 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Introduction to Sustainable Building Materials A review of the concepts of conventional & non-conventional building materials. Sources of biomass and natural fibres used in the manufacture of non-conventional composite building products. Types of bonding in composite products-physical, mechanical, chemical & multiple bonding; Mechanical and environmental stability tests on natural fibre –reinforced composites. Practical sessions on the production & testing of non-conventional natural fibre-reinforced floor, wall, ceiling and roof tiles. HL:30; HP:45;U:2;CR: 0; P:TWE 412
TWE 523 Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students should be able to:
| Interior Design Materials & Processes II The concept of interior design. How to prepare interior design proposals. The basic principles of interior designing- unity & harmony, balance, focal point rhythm, and details. The 7 elements of interior design: space, line, forms, light, colour, texture, pattern. How to start an interior design business. HL:30; HP:0;U:3;CR: 0; P:TWE 417 |
TWE 524 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Structural Design with Wood & Biomaterials II Design of solid columns with sustainable bioproducts such as wood and bamboo based on. Modification factors for duration of load. Design of spaced columns, glulam columns. Design of mechanical fasteners; nails, spikes, screws, bolts, & metal plate connectors, special brackets and hinges for use in wood and bamboo structures. Design of trusses fabricated with wood, bamboo and other biomaterials. Computer applications in column and connector design processes. HL:30 (24/6); HP:45;U:3;CR: 0; P: TME 214, TME 225,TCE 313
TWE 525 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Computer Modelling Applications in Wood Products Engineering Mathematical formulations and modelling of sustainable bioproducts manufacturing systems. A brief review of simple computer coding procedures- flow chatting, imputing and reading data from computer screens and files, algorithms for sequencing and looping (DO LOOP, GOTO Statements), & Arrays . Manual computation & the use of computer programs (e.g., FORTRAN, & MATLAB) and software (e.g., Excel & LINGO) in solving optimization, assignment, transportation, job sequencing & queuing problems. Discrete-event and Monte Carlo simulation of wood and biomaterial processing operation using manual and computer simulation methods. Development of individual programs. HL:30; HP:45; U:3; CR: 0; P: TME 214
TWE 526 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the "Furniture Manufacturing with Sustainable Bioproducts" course, students should be able to:
| Furniture Manufacturing with Sustainable Bioproducts Batch & continuous furniture production with sustainable bioproducts- solid wood, lumber, panel products, rattans, bamboo, et c.. Layout design for furniture production plants. Advanced manufacturing techniques for producing furniture and cabinets including the design, production and use of jigs and fixtures for automated processing. Introduction to upholstered furniture design and material selection- padding, fabrics & other covering materials, etc. Furniture finishing operations & materials- stains, lacquers, and vanishes- and application methods. Safety rules and precautions. Computer software for furniture design- Auto-Cad, Pro-100 furniture Design, Sweet Home, etc. HL:30; HP:45;U:3;CR: 0; P: TWE 511
TWE 527 Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students should be able to:
| Energy, Environment & Climate Change An explorative discussion of basic terms & concepts, e.g., renewable energy, energy conservation, greenhouse gases, climate change, global warming, etc. Historical trends in energy consumption. Primary forms of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) & renewable energy- wind, tidal, solar, hydro, biomass, geothermal, etc. The link between fossil fuel consumption & climate change. Potential impacts of global warming. Potential environmental impacts of renewable energy products. International negotiations & agreements on climate change mitigation (Kyoto protocol, UNFCCC, CITES, et c.) Case studies on climate change mitigation projects. HL:30; HP:0; U:2; CR: 0; P:0
TWE 528 Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students should be able to:
| Carbon Stocks Management Global carbon pools/reservoirs; Carbon cycle & carbon accounting; Carbon sequestration; Carbon storage in forest ecosystems; Calculation of carbon footprint; Measures to mitigate carbon footprint, e.g., the carbon tax concept; Case study evaluations. HL:30; HP:0; U:2; CR: 0; P:0
TWE 529 Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students should be able to:
| Introduction to Polymer Engineering Definitions of basic terms; polymerization; types of plastics; linear polymers and cross-linked polymers; Effects of polymer structures on the properties of materials; addition to polymers; deformation of plastics; Wood as polymeric material; Manufacturing processes for wood plastics and fibre-reinforced plastics. Product characterisation. HL:30; HP:45; U:3; CR: 0; P:0
TWE 530 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Pollution Control in the Forest Products Industries Types & sources of pollutants in forest products industries- liquid effluents, air-borne pollutant emissions by forest products industries, noise, heat radiation. Industrial solid wastes from wood-based industries & disposal methods; BOD/COD concept of pollution load estimation in effluent discharge; treatment methods for liquid effluents; removal mechanisms fir air-borne pollutants; other pollution control technologies in the forest products industries, including recycling; liquid effluent discharge standards; air-borne pollutant limits; the concept of zero pollution; environmental conservation policies in Nigeria. HL:30; HP:0;U:2;CR: 0; P:0
TWE 531 Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students should be able to:
| Bioenergy Engineering II Definition of basic terms: energy, stove, thermal efficiency, combustion efficiency, etc. Chemistry of combustion-chemical equilibrium and balance of reactions; combustion calculations for different fuels; Gas, liquid and solid fuel combustion; Theoretical air/ fuel ratio and stoichiometric air requirements; combustion by-products; stoichiometric calculations and their significance., A survey of biomass combustion stoves in use across sub-Saharan Africa; Design of improved biomass cook stoves, i.e., design of firewood & charcoal stoves for increased combustion and heat transfer efficiencies; Computation of heat losses in, and thermal efficiencies of cook stoves. Water boiling & other efficiency tests for cook stoves. Economics of bioenergy utilisation; environmental issues. HL:30; HP:0; U:2; CR: 0; P: TME 213; TWE 414, TWE 517
TWE 532 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Wood & Biomaterial Waste Management Definitions. Waste generation in forest products industries. Biomass waste characterisation-composition, moisture content, particle size, heat value, bulk density, mechanical properties, biodegradability, etc. A review of the concept of 4Rs in biomass waste management- Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, & Recovery. Practical examples of 4R implementation in wood and Biomaterial Engineering industries. Technical & economic considerations in waste-to-energy & waste-to-wealth projects. Industrial visits. HL:30; HP:0; U:2; CR: 0; P:0
TWE 533 Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students should be able to:
| Rheology of Wood & Biomaterials Definition & concept of rheology. Creep behaviour of wood, wood-based composites, and allied biomaterials. Effects of temperature and relative humidity on short- and long-term responses of wood, wood composites, rattans, bamboo, and allied biomaterials to constant and stepwise loading conditions. Correspondence principle. Creep models. HL:30; HP:0; U:2; CR: 0; P: TWE 311
TWE 534 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Non-Destructive Testing of Wood & Biomaterials Introduction to the concept of non-destructive testing (NDT). Advantages & limitations of NDT. Basic principles, advantages, limitations, and applications of different NDT methods to wood & allied biomaterials-visual inspection, optical inspection, dye penetration, radiographic, ultrasonic, acoustic, thermographic and other relevant NDT testing methods. Selection factors for specific test methods. HL:30; HP:0; U:2; CR: 0; P: TWE 311
TWE 535 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Marketing of Wood Products and Biomaterials Marketing company, Marketing environment and its effect on company structure market research and advertising agencies. Product design and packaging. Market share. Product lifecycle. Marketing techniques for wood products. Lumber stock level. Ware housing and warehouse hygiene. Distribution system for wood products and distribution costs. HL:30; HP:0; U:2; CR: 0; P:0
TWE 599 Learning Outcomes: Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
| Problem-solving, individual work, under the supervision of a lecturer. HL:0; HP:180; U:6;CR: 0; P:0
Course Code | Course Title | Course Unit | Status |
TWE 711 | Ultra Structure and Properties of Selected Biomaterials | 3 | C |
TWE 712 | Mechanical Behaviour of Wood & Biomaterials | 3 | C |
TWE 713 | Fluid Treatments of Wood & Fibrous Materials | 3 | R |
TWE 798 | Master’s Degree Seminar | 2 | C |
TWE 799 | Master’s Degree Project | 6 | C |
- Biomaterial Processing and Utilisation Option
Course Code | Course Title | Course Unit | Status |
TWE 714 | Wood Machinery and Systems Design | 3 | C |
TWE 715 | Advanced Structural Design with Wood & Biomaterials I | 3 | E |
TWE 716 | Pulp and Paper Technology I | 3 | E |
TWE 717 | Adhesives & Coatings for Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | E |
TWE 718 | Advanced Studies in Biocomposite Engineering I | 3 | C |
TWE 719 | Advanced Studies in Drying Wood & Fibrous Materials | 3 | R |
TWE 721 | Pollution Control in Forest Products Industries | 2 | E |
TWE 720 | Furniture Design and Manufacture with Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | E |
TWE 722 | Advanced Studies in Biomass Waste Management | 2 | E |
TWE 726 | Pulp and Paper Technology II | 3 | E |
TWE 727 | Advanced Topics in Wood & Biomaterials Engineering | 1 | E |
TWE 730 | Applied Research Methods in Wood & Biomaterials Engineering | 2 | E |
TIE 711 | Statistical Methods for Engineers | 2 | R |
TIE 733 | Project Planning & Control | 3 | E |
TIE 750 | Product Development | 2 | E |
FPP 745 | Life Cycle Analysis of Wood Products | 2 | E |
| Total No of Units of Compulsory Courses | 20 |
| Total No of Units of Required Courses | 08 |
| Total No of Units of Elective Courses | 29 |
- Structural Design with Wood & Biomaterials Option
Course Code | Course Title | Course Unit | Status |
TWE 715 | Advanced Structural Design with Wood & Biomaterials I | 3 | C |
TWE 717 | Adhesives & Coatings for Sustainable Bioproducts | 2 | R |
TWE 718 | Advanced Studies in Biocomposite Engineering I | 3 | E |
TWE 720 | Furniture Design and Manufacture with Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | E |
TWE 725 | Advanced Structural Design with Wood & Biomaterials II | 3 | C |
TCE 709 | Advanced Structural Analysis | 3 | E |
TME 708 | Finite Element Method for Structural Analysis | 3 | E |
TIE 711 | Statistical Methods for Engineers | 2 | R |
TWE 719 | Advanced Studies in Drying Wood & Fibrous Materials | 3 | E |
TWE 722 | Advanced Studies in Biomass Waste Management | 2 | E |
TWE 727 | Advanced Topics in Wood & Biomaterials Engineering | 1 | E |
TWE 728 | Advanced Studies in Biocomposite Engineering II | 3 | E |
TWE 730 | Applied Research Methods in Wood & Biomaterials Engineering | 2 | E |
TAE 712 | Design of Agricultural Structures | 3 | E |
TCE 715 | Advanced Properties of Construction Materials | 3 | E |
TCE 727 | Matrix Formulation of Structural Systems | 3 | E |
TIE 733 | Project Planning & Control | 3 | E |
TIE 750 | Product Development | 2 | E |
TME 707 | Applied Numerical Methods | 3 | E |
| Total No of Units of Compulsory Courses | 20 |
| Total No of Units of Required Courses | 10 |
| Total No of Units of Elective Courses | 40 |
c. Furniture Design & Manufacturing
Course Code | Course Title | Course Unit | Status |
TWE 715 | Advanced Structural Design with Wood & Biomaterials I | 3 | C |
TWE 717 | Adhesives & Coatings for Sustainable Bioproducts | 2 | C |
TWE 720 | Furniture Design and Manufacture with Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | C |
TWE 718 | Advanced Studies in Biocomposite Engineering I | 3 | E |
TWE 719 | Advanced Studies in Drying Wood & Fibrous Materials | 3 | E |
TWE 725 | Advanced Structural Design with Wood & Biomaterials II | 3 | E |
TWE 728 | Advanced Studies in Biocomposite Engineering II | 3 | E |
TIE 711 | Statistical Methods for Engineers | 2 | R |
TIE 751 | Ergonomics | 2 | R |
TCE 709 | Advanced Structural Analysis | 3 | E |
TME 708 | Finite Element Method for Structural Analysis | 3 | E |
TWE 727 | Advanced Topics in Wood & Biomaterials Engineering | 1 | E |
TWE 722 | Advanced Studies in Biomass Waste Management | 2 | E |
TWE 730 | Applied Research Methods in Wood & Biomaterials Engineering | 2 | E |
TCE 727 | Matrix Formulation of Structural Systems | 3 | E |
TIE 733 | Project Planning & Control | 3 | E |
TIE 742 | Production-Inventory Systems Design | 2 | E |
TIE 743 | Computer-Aided Manufacturing | 3 | E |
TIE 750 | Product Development | 2 | E |
TME 707 | Applied Numerical Methods | 3 | E |
| Total No of Units of Compulsory Courses | 22 |
| Total No of Units of Required Courses | 07 |
| Total No of Units of Elective Courses | 39 |
d. Pulp and Paper Engineering Option
Course Code | Course Title | Course Unit | Status |
TWE 716 | Pulp and Paper Technology I | 3 | C |
TWE 721 | Pollution Control in Forest Products Industries | 2 | E |
TWE 723 | Wood Industry Management | 2 | E |
TWE 726 | Pulp and Paper Technology II | 3 | C |
TIE 736 | Industrial Safety Engineering | 3 | R |
TIE 744 | Advanced Industrial Quality Control | 3 | R |
TIE 711 | Statistical Methods for Engineers | 2 | R |
TWE 717 | Adhesives & Coatings for Sustainable Bioproducts | 2 | E |
TWE 718 | Advanced Studies in Biocomposite Engineering I | 3 | E |
TWE 719 | Advanced Studies in Drying Wood & Fibrous Materials | 3 | E |
TWE 722 | Advanced Studies in Biomass Waste Management | 2 | E |
TWE 727 | Advanced Topics in Wood & Biomaterials Engineering | 1 | E |
TWE 728 | Advanced Studies in Biocomposite Engineering II | 3 | E |
TWE 730 | Applied Research Methods in Wood & Biomaterials Engineering | 2 | E |
TAE 725 | Environmental Management & Impact Assessment | 2 | E |
TIE 733 | Project Planning & Control | 3 | E |
TIE 750 | Product Development | 2 | E |
TME 720 | Polymer Technology | 4 | E |
| Total No of Units of Compulsory Courses | 20 |
| Total No of Units of Required Courses | 08 |
| Total No of Units of Elective Courses | 31 |
e. Biocomposite Engineering Option
Course Code | Course Title | Course Unit | Status |
TWE 714 | Wood Machinery and Systems Design | 3 | E |
TWE 715 | Advanced Structural Design with Wood & Biomaterials I | 3 | E |
TWE 716 | Pulp and Paper Technology I | 3 | R |
TWE 717 | Adhesives & Coatings for Sustainable Bioproducts | 2 | R |
TWE 718 | Advanced Studies in Biocomposite Engineering I | 3 | C |
TWE 719 | Advanced Studies in Drying Wood & Fibrous Materials | 3 | E |
TWE 728 | Advanced Studies in Biocomposite Engineering II | 3 | C |
TIE 711 | Statistical Methods for Engineers | 2 | R |
TWE 720 | Furniture Design and Manufacture with Sustainable Bioproducts | 3 | E |
TWE 721 | Pollution Control in Forest Products Industries | 2 | E |
TWE 722 | Advanced Studies in Biomass Waste Management | 2 | E |
TWE 727 | Advanced Topics in Wood & Biomaterials Engineering | 1 | E |
TWE 730 | Applied Research Methods in Wood & Biomaterials Engineering | 2 | E |
TIE 733 | Project Planning & Control | 3 | E |
TIE 750 | Product Development | 2 | E |
TIE 736 | Industrial Safety Engineering | 3 | E |
TIE 744 | Advanced Industrial Quality Control | 3 | E |
FPP 745 | Life Cycle Analysis of Wood Products | 2 | E |
| Total No of Units of Compulsory Courses | 20 |
| Total No of Units of Required Courses | 10 |
| Total No of Units of Elective Courses | 33 |
f. Bioenergy & Environmental Engineering Option
Course Code | Course Title | Course Unit | Status |
TWE 722 | Advanced Studies in Biomass Waste Management | 2 | E |
TWE 701 | Advanced Studies in Bioenergy Engineering I | 3 | C |
TWE 702 | Advanced Studies in Bioenergy Engineering II | 3 | C |
TAE 702 | Renewable Energy Technology | 3 | E |
TIE 711 | Statistical Methods for Engineers | 2 | R |
TIE 726 | Energy Systems Modelling |