HOD Profile
Dr. Moradeyo Odunfa is a Reader in Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. His area of discipline cover the followings: thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, Energy (Renewable and Non-renewable) and Building services. He earned B. Sc, M .Phil and Ph. D degrees in Mechanical Engineering with thermo-fluids option at the doctoral level from the University of Ibadan in 1990, 2008, and 2012, respectively. Dr Moradeyo Odunfa has more than seventy publications in high impact international journals to his credit. He has successfully supervised and produced two doctoral graduates who are currently lecturing at the University of Ibadan and Ajayi Crowder University, Oyo, respectively.
Dr Moradeyo Odunfa is a seasoned and practicing COREN registered Engineer and also a registered member of the Association for Consulting Engineering in Nigeria (ACEN). He is a corporate member of the Nigeria Society of Engineers (MNSE), Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineers (NIMECH) and Nigerian Institution of Engineering Management (NIEM), He is also a Fellow of the Nigeria Institution of Environmental Engineers (FNIEE). Dr. Odunfa has worked at several engineering establishments notably among them are Melcom Associates, Olo Engineering Nigeria Limited and Victory Consult (Consultants Mechanical, Electrical, Communication and Solar Engineering) all in Ibadan, and still remained as a permanent consultant (Mechanical Engineering) to all these establishments. He is also a visiting lecturer in thermo-fluids courses to the Covenant University, Cannan Land, Ota, and Bell University of Technology, Ota. Ogun State.